Study after study continues to confirm the huge impact video has on marketing. Its future is now, and moving forward, technology companies such as Cisco estimate that video is going to account for 80% of all internet traffic globally.
For marketers who’ve not yet incorporated video into their marketing strategy or fully leveraged its abilities, you are probably denying your business a chance to grow its sales, popularity, conversion rates, and enjoy a high ROI. But you have a chance to change that.
There’s a lot that goes into making a marketing video effective, from new technologies such as personalization, virtual reality, and improved interactivity to techniques such as storytelling, making it short, optimizing it for search engines, and so on.
Equally effective as all these aspects are the video marketing tools. There is a variety of them and what’s similar amongst all of them is that they play a role in making your video powerful, effective, and great.
Let’s check out five of the best video tools every marketer should consider having.
1. Promolta
If you plan to share your marketing video on YouTube or Facebook, Promolta is the magical tool that will help you reach a wider audience.
Its role is to push your marketing video to over thousands of blogs, websites, social networks, and other platforms where people who are passionate about knowing or hearing you are based. And it does this within a span of one hour after you’ve published it.
Also, the tool will avail to you real metrics about the platform where your videos are being watched. This could be helpful in the event you want to make adjustments that seek to make your marketing video better.
With the minimum budget set at $10, that’s a compelling reason to try this tool out. Access it here.
2. SerpStat
Part of video marketing involves keeping tabs on what competitors are doing. SerpStat, a keyword research tool, seeks to help you do this better by providing detailed insight into what competitors are up to.
You can use it to compare your performance to that of your competitors and, on top of that, it will send you automated reports on the same criteria. Supply it with a keyword and the tool will deliver a wide range of suggestions that can help you rank better.
Basically, the tool will help you discover those search terms that your prospects are feeding the search engines and are related to your niche. Eventually, you will be able to create video content that responds to those questions and concerns while ranking higher on the SERPs.
Serpstat’s data is free, but to access more functions and features, you have to pay. Check out the different plans and pricing here.
3. ClickFunnels
Among the many things that matter in video marketing are the funnels you use to send your prospects towards an ultimate sale. Obviously, you want this entire process to be effective and ClickFunnels is a service that offers you those sales funnels that are tailored to the specific needs of your business.
Whether it’s an email service, shopping cart, or an autoresponder, ClickFunnels has them all. In fact, if you intend to place your marketing video on a landing page or sales page, the tool can assist you in having full control over your desired outcomes, from increasing conversion rates to boosting sales.
The tool also provides analytics that includes details about how your pages and visitors are performing. View the plans and pricing here.
4. VideoRemix
When it comes to boosting the engagement level on a marketing video, interactivity is among the top factors you should consider. VideoRemix provides users with an interactive video editing tool which allows users to cater their marketing message to each specific user. It also serves videos across different platforms (mobile, desktop, and tablet).
In addition to that, the tool lets you record both audio and videos simultaneously, insert your business’s logo into the video, and add links, plus there is the option of interactive and personalized CTA buttons. You can also leverage its rich sharing features and detailed analytics in improving lead generation.
Final word
On its own, a video can achieve a lot, but if you would love to improve the interactivity and engagement level and visibility, outperform your competitors, achieve specific goals, and create your marketing videos with ease, look no further than these four aforementioned tools. What’s more, they come at a reasonable price and, already, there are dozens of savvy marketers and successful businesses using them to make their videos better.
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