Video marketing is a subject that has many talking points, and one that’s nearly unavoidable when discussing it is YouTube. YouTube is the world’s largest and most popular platform for uploading and sharing videos with the entire world. However, as easy as it is to create a YouTube channel and publish your content, do you know exactly how to make a YouTube intro?
The saying “first impressions are everything” is just as true with your videos as it is when meeting someone in person for the first time. Having an intro for your YouTube videos is the key to getting people’s attention right away and making them want to keep watching. If you aren’t sure how to make an intro for YouTube, where do you turn?
We know that crafting the perfect YouTube intro can be difficult to master, so we’re here today to teach you how to do just that.
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Here are 4 tips for learning how to make a good YouTube intro.
1. Create an animated clip of your brand’s logo
One of the simplest and most efficient types of video intros you can make is one of your brand’s logo. Your logo is the most iconic and recognizable part of your company, and as such, putting it in front of people’s eyes as often as you can is a great way to ensure that people associate that image with your company and what is has to offer.
However, when we say to include your company’s logo in an intro for your video, we don’t mean to simply throw it in people’s faces with a quick transition and call it good. Instead, find a way to animate it in order to creates some visual interest.
You can hire a professional or try your hand at animating something yourself; the option that you go with will ultimately come down to your experience in this line of work.
2. Keep things short and sweet
Whenever people ask us how to make a cool YouTube intro, something that we often reiterate over and over is the fact that it’s very, very easy to go overboard when putting your intro together.
Folks are often under the impression that they need to make their intro lengthy by throwing in as much flair and information as they possibly can, but this is simply the wrong way to go.
When putting your intro together, follow the saying of “less is more.” The goal with your YouTube channel is to build an audience that is regularly consuming your content and looking forward to your new content.
If you have an intro that’s 30-seconds long, people are going to get tired of sitting through it in no time at all. Try to keep things to around 5-seconds or less, and make sure you don’t go overboard with the animations and effects you throw in there either.
3. Consistency is key
Our third tip for how to make YouTube intros? Don’t change it every single month!
Creating intros either by yourself or through a third party is a great way to get your creative juices flowing, and as fun as the process can often be, it’s important to stick with your intro once you’ve got something that you like and fits the theme of your brand.
It can be easy to throw together a new intro and swap them in and out on a regular basis, but this will create inconsistencies within your videos and make it more difficult for people to associate videos with your company (and brand) when finding them on YouTube.
4. Have your intro line up with your brand’s theme/vision
We’ve mentioned this a couple times throughout this article already, but it’s something we’d like to stress. There are a lot of things to keep in mind when it comes to knowing how to make your own YouTube intro, but one of the most important ones is ensuring it matches the theme/vision of the brand you’ve established.
This can be achieved through the colors, music, and animations that you use. It takes some time to master, but once you do, it makes a world of difference.
Final Thoughts
And just like that, that’s how to make a YouTube intro. There are other things that go into the process, but these four tips are great to take to heart in order to get the ball rolling. Now get out there and make the best intro YouTube’s ever seen!
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