Video Personalization
Industry Guide

Understand the power of personalization or
white label it & sell it with potential local clients

is the future of

Marketers constantly ask:

One Word: Boring

We hate to break it to the world but that's it. And it's not
that your campaigns are boring. It's that they are boring in
comparison to what else is out there.

The statistics prove it:

Average email conversion rates have dropped to 1.5%

The average attention span has plummeted by 33% over the past 15 years

Even though you don't view the marketing of others as a
competition, it is. The eyeballs of your viewer can only
watch so many videos, read so many emails & buy so many
products. So you must compete, standout & draw that
customer into your email, video & product.

How are we
combating the
boredom syndrome?

Video Personalization


Video personalization results
can be massive

Vidyard has shown up to an 16x increase in
open rates by using personalization

Switch Merge reported up to 1,025%
increases in clickthrough rate

4.5x increase in click through rates

Up to 10x increases in ROI for big
brands like AT&T


On top of that let me give you a list of just some of the
corporates who use video personalization campaigns:


The downside of this is that usually these
campaigns cost over $10,000. I mean
just in general when we tried to get video
personalization done manually we were
quoted these prices:

Ok, ok all this "Video Personalization"
theoretical jibber jab is great but how do I
actually use it to change my conversions &
generate more sales?


Use Case #1 - Product Sales

You're selling a new software product. You have a database
of 1,000 past customers or potential leads who joined your
pre-launch list.

Rather than sending them to a "boring"

sales video & sales page, send them to a

personalized sales video with their name,

geographic location & more popping up

throughout the video.


Use Case #2 - eCommerce

You're selling yoga mats, spatulas or even sprayable caffeine
& melatonin. Now imagine if you could personalize the buying
experience for users by inserting their past purchases, names
& the geographic locations, for their newly bought product.

The response is often astonishing because

your audience has never seen anything like

this before...


Use Case #3 - Affiliate Marketing

If you're an affiliate marketer, how many emails do your customers
receive daily? Yes, probably 100's. All these marketers bombarding
them day in and day out.

And you want to stand out. You want to convert. You want to drive sales.

Lee Pennington used video personalization with a promotional

campaign he did for an affiliate product bringing in people's

names & email addresses into the video which included

screenshots of PayPal with the viewer's name on it. Nice

to see a PayPal screenshot with a $60,000 balance & your

name on it...

Even if it isn't yours...


Use Case #4 - Autoresponder

When your customer joins your community & signs up to your email list
giving you permission to email them they sometimes unfortunatley still
get upset when you email them. "But they gave me permission to email
them!" you argue. Yea well too bad. It's your job to solve it.

By shooting them an email sequence directing them to

personalized videos for a couple days, the chances of you

building a stronger relationship compared to non-personalized

videos is exponentially higher. Try it. They'll fall in love with


Use video personalization.
The numbers stack up. And
you can use it with all types of
video marketing & products.
Just go out there & start

The results will speak for